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​A Catalyst

of Empowerment

to Enhance

the Quality of Life

for ALL!

​To provide the resources to empower people of diverse cultural backgrounds to help themselves and improve their quality of life, while actively protecting the environment and its surroundings eco-systems.

BVF Mission Statement 

25 + Years of service for Beyond Visions

Beyond Visions Foundation (BVF) is a dynamic grassroots intermediary foundation that was established in the U.S. Virgin Islands on November 14, 1977. Our founding board comprised nine culturally diverse members representing a strong mix of conservative and progressive values. These exceptional individuals came from various sectors, including academia, government, and public housing. Despite the elite environment around them, they remained determined to create an organization capable of overcoming the political, economic, and social barriers that impede genuine progress. BVF was formed to drive meaningful systemic change and to actively pursue transformation in the communities we serve.

25 + Years of service for Beyond Visions
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What Our Logo Means

Our logo, designed in 2001, powerfully embodies our commitment to making a difference in today's philanthropic landscape. It signifies our forward-thinking approach to tackling systemic issues in vulnerable communities. The design features a non-gendered youth reaching beyond the physical realm, accompanied by five stars arranged in the shape of an ancient spear. This striking imagery represents BVF's five key program-related goals: Not-for-Profits, Financial Literacy, Positive Youth Development and Families, Environmental Education and Advocacy, and Standards of Excellence. These goals highlight BVF's significant impact on those we serve, especially children and young people, and reflect our unwavering dedication to fostering positive change.

Here are some of the impactful contributions that BVF has made to foster positive change!

-Developed and launched culturally designed parent education program that dramatically reduced child abuse and neglect, ensuring a safer community. 

- Implemented abstinence and teen pregnancy programs, empowering youth to complete their education before starting families. 

- Urged the McDonald's Board to eliminate plastic bags, achieving a return to paper lunch bags. 

- Implemented abstinence and teen pregnancy programs, empowering youth to complete their education before starting families. 

- Secured funding for a learn-to-swim program for 50 at-risk youth from low-income communities. 

- Demanded the removal of "Shark Fin Soup" from a local restaurant menu, standing against unsustainable practices. 

- Collaborated internationally to eliminate an illegal seafood recipe from a cookbook. 

- Recognized a 14-year-old BVF participant who won a National Geographic photography award among 1,100 entries.   

learn-to-swim program for 50 at-risk youth from low-income communities. 

- Testified against legislation that threatened to introduce 200,000 pounds of coal ash into the Virgin Islands prior to  Hurricane Maria and Irma (saving the VI from a possible environmental devastation 

- Demanded the removal of "Shark Fin Soup" from a local restaurant menu, standing against unsustainable practices. 

- Collaborated internationally to eliminate an illegal seafood recipe from a cookbook. 

- Recognized a 14-year-old BVF participant who won a National Geographic photography award among 1,100 entries.   

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BVF Mission-driven Goals


Not-for-Profit Support

Not-for-profits will be sustainable and governed by mission-driven boards

Not-for-profits will engage collaboratively and mission-driven by that ensures community members receive the benefits.

Happy Family

Financial Literacy

Families will reduce their dependency on government assistance and be able to provide the basic needs for their families. 

By completing the Household Budgeting sessions, participants discovered and reduced their impulse spending habits.

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Environmental Education, Advocacy, and Stewardship 

Advocate for the rights of  environment and its preservation.

Collaborated with environmental agencies to reduce environmental waste that impacted those most vulnerable while protecting  endangered species. 


Positive Youth Development & Families

Children will be loved, cared for and raised and become loving responsible adults. 

Youth participants completed their education, obtained a career, got married and then started their families. 

Receiving Award on Stage

Standards of Excellence

Not-for-Profits will all receive and maintain the  Standards of Excellence certification so they can continuallly support the communities we serve. 

Not-for-profits will  receive and maintain standards that increases and maintains their resources. 


Family-to-Family Health Information Center

 Providing training,  resources, and connections with health-related fields directly and through government and community-based entities.

Resources, training, and support for VI Families

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Newborn Screening


 The testing  identifies conditions affecting a child's health. Early detection and intervention can prevent death or disability, helping children reach their full p

In Partnership with Family Voices Inc. and Beyond Voices LLC.  Resources for screening is readily available

Just a few of those who have supported us along the way....

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